Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy, Happy, Joy, Oh Fu...

Well, dear reader, I'm glad I got that bit about my geeky happiness out before I updated you with my downer.

Actually, it isn't a downer as much as a larger challenge. I just today, a week and a half after classes started, received my college textbooks. English Creative Writing and World History before 1650. Now I can begin to catch up on classwork. Unfortunately, beyond posting 'hello' in to the online discussion boards there was squat I could do in advance. So now I'll be really busy with college, trying to catch up.

So apologies in advance if you don't see me for awhile. I'll be trying hard to be a good student and pass my courses with good grades.

I hope I'll get a chance to goof off, play games, drink, and kiss & hug the cute ones, soon. I suppose if there is enough drinking involved I might kiss & hug the ugly ones too...

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