Gotta save this one too - awesome.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Draws like I think
This guy draws like many of my dreams go - how I think and movement evolves in my dreams.
Friday, November 24, 2006
A position on my staff...
A friend mentioned not being able to make a comment on my blog without logging in first. Just wanted to mention, since I was encouraging you to write comments, that you only have to log in you want to be recognized, otherwise you have the options under "Choose and Identity" of Google/Blogger (log in), Other (enter your name, web link optional), or Anonymous.
I don't know what it was in the past, but that was one reason I left Friendster - I didn't want people to have to create an Friendster account just to post.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
So this guy walks into a grocery store...
Thoughts of being undesirable single; thoughts I have no one to cook for; thoughts I have no one that wants to cook for me; no one who loves me in that way.
No amount of thinking about how great it is to have friends, or that I have wonderful daughters, or that most of my past relationships created some unique happiness can undo the feeling - I'm about to loose it right there in the frozen food isle.
I zoned out and checked out. I'm glad no one stopped and asked if I was OK, because I would have lost it. I was too sensitive and vunerable at the time to do anything else.
Thoughts of non-attachment; thoughts that we are all alone, even when we think we have someone; thoughts if the person I loved died, what would I do, thoughts that I delude myself thinking someone has the same feelings I do.
I miss the illusion that someone loves me for me. I'm unsure of myself to trust I can do it since I thought someone loved me and I was wrong. The shared illusion - that I was loved and loved someone - was in fact a delusion; only I felt that way. Makes me feel like I'm unskilled and unable to figure it out through clarity of thought, it must be blind luck - and I don't feel lucky.
Being present in the moment helps me live through these times, but it is very unpleasant. I'd much rather intellectualize the fact that life is a gift and we are alone while smothered in the glorious shared illusion of being loved.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
V visits the US government to file petitions
A long video, but watch these asshats. The government is made of people and they forget they serve first. If you are in public office, especially police, you should be subject to video while on duty.
I need to get my V suit ready...
Monday, November 20, 2006
Where for art thou, blog?
I don't like friendster's blog for a few reasons and I do like blogger's blog (did I just say that?) for a few reasons, so I've moved all my stuff over to my new blogs: will be where my poetry (dare I say art? It may be a self performance only, which makes me feel like I've been masterbating in public. I hope you enjoy the show!) will be. My regular blog nonsense will be on here (, where it always has been.
Now this is a good thing for you who bother to visit and watch me drool, you can use Atom or RSS feeds to track my postings. No longer waiting on Freindster's lackluster abilities, it seems to come home late and drunk more often than not, and I'm tired of waiting up for it. (Imagine me with curlers in my hair)..wait for it...wait for it..Bingo! [It helps to know I shave my head].
Now for those of you who don't know what the hell I'm talking about, I offer you a free geek card, redeemable by visiting Wikipedia's article about Atom feeds and perhaps Wikipedia's article about RSS. I personally use the Firefox Web Browser for just about everything so I installed The Sage feed reader but as I mentioned, you can use whatever tool you choose.
I've deleted my old postings and moved them into the new blogs. Sorry for the auto-feed update nonsense - I'm still learning.
Friday, November 17, 2006
If you care
you'll perhaps,
venture a comment,
venture a word,
something better than nothing,
somethings written,
better than not,
better than that,
one word,
one can consider.