How sad is it that when I came to work I automatically placed my fingers on the A, W, D combonation as if I was driving my World Of Warcraft (WoW) character about?
The really weird part is how I think the WoW interface could be used in a desktop setting. Not in it's current incarnation, but close. I've experimented with other 3D interfaces on Linux (shh, don't ask, don't tell) but couldn't find one that really performed anything other than eye candy. There are a few useful demonstrations, but lack of any full system with applications designed for 3D use and designed for that type of user interaction.
I tell you another thing; sound rocks. I've turned down all the special effects and turned up the ambience in WoW. I've observed the game becomes much more emmersive, which if you've played WoW is scary. I can also tell what zone I am in without looking. I find it cues me in to expect certain animals and non-player characters. Sound is a subtle but easy to ignore attribute that really does enhance playability and enjoyment of the game.
Not that I played all weekend. I finished my college work for the week, read my Heavy Metal magazine, installed and connected to my Kuro Box (still trying to determine what firmware I wish to run).